- Fly in the Air:
When you are playing this game then press “787899” and then press # button. So after pressing # button your bouncy ball fly in the air.
- Ball will not Burn:
While playing game, just press “787898” and then after pressing these buttons your ball will not burn by fire.
- Level Complete and High Score:
During playing the game, enter “787899” and then enter 5 to complete the level you are playing and get score of 5000 on completing the level. By doing this you can get high score. At last level press 3 to again go to level 1 and repeat this process.
- Level Selection:
When you are playing the game, just enter “787899” and then if you want to go to previous level then press 1 and if you want to go to next level then press 3 button. HOPE THIS HELPS
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