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Blogger is a free blog publishing platform and it provides free domains and free web hosting. If you feeling that your blog URL is too long and gives a bad impression then i find a way that you can easily convert your to
Read the article carefully to add a free dot tk domain to blogger blog.

Why Should I Convert to Dot tk:

Almost all search engines except google will never result your domain in their searching lists because is free as well as not a top level domain. More ever, the are also get blocked due to many reasons and you can't restore it. Follow the step by step guide to get free dot tk domain.

Registration of Dot Tk Domain:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your preferred domain name in the box as shown below and click on GO. You will be promoted to next steps if the entered domain name is available otherwise choose a different domain name.

  3. When you are promoted, then enter your complete blogspot URL, select registration lenght and type verification code and click on Sign up. For signing up, you need an email id and for you kind information you can also Sign up by using your social network accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo etc.

Dot Tk is a free domain that's why you need to produce up to 25 page views per 90 days for continue using Dot tk domain.

Add Dot Tk to Blogger:

  1. Sign in to your blogger account by using your blogger Email id.
  2. Choose the blog for adding Dot tk domain and go to its Dashboard. Find Settings and then go to Basic option and then go to Publishing block as shown below in picture. Now click on Add a custom Domain.

  3. Put your Dot tk domain Address into Advanced setting box as shown in picture below. Now verify domain ownership by adding CNAME records. For this purpose click on Setting instruction and you will be redirect to the page that having generated CNAME values with complete set up instruction.

Dot Tk DNS Configuration:

  1. Sign in to your Dot tk account and click on domain panel and select your domain and then click Modify option for the configuration of DNS settings of your domain.
  2. A pop-up window will appear(make sure that your browser cookies are enabled), choose Dot Tk DNS Service and configure your DNS settings as the picture shown below. Just change your domain name.
  3. You need two CNAMEs records, for first CNAME enter Host as "www' and type "" in ip address, destination or target field. These values are fixed for any blogger blog. Second CNAME records needs generated values which you can get from blogger page. See the below picture carefully.

  4. For second CNAME records you need Host Name field you need a dynamically generated name(highlighted in blue in above picture) and IP adress along dynamically generated values like ""(highlighted in pink). Select Record Type as CNAME records. These values are different for any blogger blog.
  5. You have to fill the Records Field as: Host Name: Your Dot tk Domain without wwwIP Address:
  6. Wait about 25 to 30 minutes for your domain DNS setting to activate.

Saving Dot Tk Domain Settings In Blogger:

  1. Come back to your blogger page as shown blow in picture and save them.
  2. If you get any errors, wait for some time and then save Settings.
  3. Check the Redirect option as shown below.

For any problems and difficulties feel free to comment below.


The InfoTips

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