Now a days attracting the traffic toward your Blog is not a big deal, but some of difficulties due to which am here to teach you that how people can search your blog or posts and follow, or like your Blog.
If you fulfilled the following the ways of attracting traffic towards your Blogs then am sure you didn't fell any difficulty and you will start loving Blogger.
If you fulfilled the following the ways of attracting traffic towards your Blogs then am sure you didn't fell any difficulty and you will start loving Blogger.
- Make sure your post Material is not copyright.
- Your Post should have mean full, interesting and helpful Material.
- Don't use bad Advertisement/ Publishing programs.
- You can use Google Adsense to earn money.
- Give a suitable Title to you post, which completely describes your post.
- Submit your Blog URLs and site maps to Search Engines, so that people can easily search your post and Blog.
- Use Google webmasters Tools.
- More as, share your Blog posts on Facebook, Twitter and on other Social websites.
- Make Your Blog e-books.
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